S&R Dau, Pampanga

Location: Dau Angeles City, Pampanga

Country: Philippines

Client: S&R Membership Shopping

Services Provided: Architectural, Civil & Structural, MEPF, PM, CM

The S&R Dau development will consist of the construction of warehouse type of building, sales areas, utility yards, and car parking facilities. Total lot area is approximately 20,000 square meters with building footprint of 10,830 square meters.  The selling area is approximately +/- 6,000 square meters and parking slots at 204.  The Receiving is approximately 1,207 square meters with mezzanine floor of 548 square meters.

Meinhardt has provided Project/Construction Management Services for Architectural, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection Engineering Services.